Pearls of wisdom for diamonds in the rough.

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

You can learn a lot from the flowers.

I was so inspired when I came across this simple yet profound statement recently. The phrase has the adolescent spark of a young child, which is probably why it carries so much weight. What really can a flower teach us? These things of beauty, said to be the biological manifestation of God, constantly surround us yet usually blend into the background. I was pleasantly surprised to learn about the significant benefits of keeping blooming pods of perfection around. Useful only for decoration? I think not. Consider these facts next time you spot a bouquet of floral beauties at your grocery store or farmers market.

Flowers have an immediate and significant impact on happiness.

Flowers can improve your mood for long periods of time.

Flowers harbor intimacy between family, friends, and loved ones.


Ontop of their inherent benefits, the presence of flowers will transform any room from well decorated to flawless instantly. Here are some ideas for incorporating flora into your living spaces.

Use unconventional containers, such as rain boots, pitchers, tins, or watering cans, to act as a vase for flowers.

Make flowers the centerpiece for your coffee, kitchen, or dining room table, even small side tables, to add a fresh, inviting warmth to your home. Keep the flowers in simple vases or pots, and place candles around them at random for maximum impact.

For the closet Shopaholic.

Anything that is socially acceptable to do while wearing only underwear, I love. I'm talking about online shopping- of course. But leave it to shipping and handling fees to ruin my lust for the ever seductive UPS man carrying my package to my door. Upon discovering Coupon Cabin, I have silenced the voices in my head preventing me from clicking the "checkout" button and am always in the mood- to online shop. So it hasn't solved all of my qualms with online shopping, but the issue of waiting for purchases to ship won't be solved until the whole time traveling thing gets sorted out. At least now, I can survey what my beloved world wide web has to offer my wardrobe without the mood-killing s&h fee looming a few steps away. Coupon cabin is simple, just type in the store you wish to get promotions from, then enter the promotion codes where it indicates to while checking out online. More often than not, you'll snag free shipping and discounts. Happy shopping!

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Everyone can use a new outlook.

Maybe you've already heard of the runaway cultural phenomenon that is "the secret". If you haven't, you are in for a great life lesson. Never has science and spirituality met at such a practical crossroad. Sure, elements of the movie are cheesy and contrived, to say the least, but the contents of "The Secret" will improve your day if not change your life. So take a look, and get a glimpse into what the law of attraction can offer you.